Dr. David Seabury, psychologist, recently told a Boston audience that civilization is facing a crisis, for a 30 per cent increase in insanity has been noted in the last ten years, and a probable increase of 60 per cent in neurosis. He contrasted the crime waves of the present day, the revolt of the younger generation and the increase in divorce with what he termed the old colonial days of leisure, space and the simple life.  Quoted from an article, “Days of the Simple Life, From the Hartford Courant” published in The La Grange Journal, November 22, 1928, La Grange, Texas. The doomsayers are always with us.  We have a choice of whether we want to see the glass half empty or half full.  Personally, I don’t want to go back to ‘the good old days’; they weren’t much fun for women. I believe the youth of today are awesome.  I have three grandsons who are stupendous.  Just check out this piano phenom, Miles Gillettte-Buckhorn, from my home county and you’ll rest assured the youth of today won’t fail us.  https://youtu.be/Ui8B9QYtpg4.
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