bored bear

Boredom is a human condition.  The Roman philosopher Lucius Annaeus Seneca the Younger complained about it around two thousand years ago.

“How long the same things? Surely I will yawn, I will sleep, I will eat, I will be thirsty, I will be cold, I will be hot. Is there no end?”

As crazy as 2020 has been with disease, weather disasters, and political turmoil, it has also been BORING!

Those hiding from COVID are wrapped in the tedium of day-to-day existence.  Some break the bounds of that awful feeling by participating in activities such as parties that put themselves at risk.  Others find creative means to break the bonds of dreariness.  How many videos have you seen of families acting out plays or groups performing virtual concerts?

Current research indicates that boredom occurs when what we are doing is not meaningful and does not capture our attention.  Rather than taking a deep dive into depression, view it for what it is and figure what will alleviate the angst.  Be mindful.

What makes you happy? 

What do you enjoy doing? 

What have you always wanted to do?

Surround yourself with activities that will safely stimulate you in a fun and creative way.  Make those your go-to activities when the blahs strike.

So, won’t you join me?  I’m going to start 2021 by picking a new activity to bring me joy.  Most likely it will be virtual guitar lessons.  What’s yours?

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