The fashion trends of 2025 took me by surprise. Hot pants are making a comeback. Who knew?
But pajamas! Really?
Besides pajamas and hot pants trending in 2025, we’re looking at loud prints (including safari), low-rise dresses, leather, silhouette clothing (i.e. form-fitting not baggy), and asymmetrical outfits.
The asymmetrical clothing is puzzling. I cannot fathom wearing an outfit that has a skirt on one side and pants on the other. But to each his own. My parents did not understand my youthful desire for desert boots, granny glasses, shirt jackets, bell bottoms, or earth shoes.
The pajama trend has intrigued me and has sparked a bit of discussion at my house. In my rural Texas community, I see individuals retrieving their breakfast tacos in comfy-looking bottoms. Last week I was shocked to see a young couple at a sit-down restaurant in bedclothes.
As a work-from-home person, the idea of toiling in pajama bottoms excites me. I purchased two cute pairs (one with polar bears and one with moons and stars) for that purpose. The problem is that we often go to the taqueria before settling at home for the day. I don’t like changing, but I don’t relish wearing my athletic pants.
True confession time. I’ve put on a little weight, they’re not so comfy anymore. Besides, I’m too cheap to buy a new set of clothes. The plan is to shed weight so the clothes fit. Besides Walmart bottoms are much cheaper than athletic ones.
If I wore pj’s to pick up my tacos, I wouldn’t have to change and could buy more Walmart pajama bottoms to work in. Good plan, right? However, my husband had a fit, saying I would look trashy. Really?
It turns out pajama pants are moving into the workplace and classrooms! The trend is comfy chic.
But in the workplace, they’re not your ordinary pajama bottoms.
Attention: If you are drinking coffee or something much better i.e.: an alcoholic beverage, put your glass or mug down before you read the next line. I do not want to be responsible for nasal regurgitation caused by laughing while drinking.
Vogue has highlighted a variety of them from $76 to $1850 a pair.
This is NOT a misprint.
Saks Fifth Avenue offers Marina Moscone pj’s on sale for $138-139, formerly $690. These viscose pajama-inspired trousers boast a drawstring and are made in Italy. The pattern is not unlike the one my daughter drew on my dining room wall when she was a toddler. And don’t plop them in the washer—dry-clean only.
And, sigh, they look long. The size two model displaying them appears to be wearing heels. Because of my deliciously plump figure, I must buy pants that are longer, because they are wider. (You do the math.) I can imagine myself tripping through the office on my way to the copy machine. Hemming a pair of pants is not on my bucket list.
Hot pants. Bah, humbug. Been there—done that—and won’t do that again.
My concern is, however, that these new hot pants are not your grandmother’s hot pants. Frankly, the one I saw on looks like underwear.
At my age, being fashionable is not a high priority. However, I’m fortunate enough to have a daughter who worries about this. Now I understand why she gave me a pastel pink sweatpants and hoodie combo for Christmas. Pink is in.
Still, I’ll hang out in my pajama bottoms and Crocs (a favorite of my teenage grandsons) or maybe my Kamala Harris sneakers, so I feel like I’m in with the “in” crowd. As Kenzo Takada says, “Fashion is like eating. You shouldn’t stick with the same menu.”
And I do love variety.
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