routine or not to routineTo routine or not to routine, that is the question. Experts have differing opinions.


On the positive side, routines can be beneficial to your health. Managing stress, being active, sleeping better, and eating healthier increase when you are on a schedule.

Then, there are the habits of highly successful people. According to Forbes, effective individuals

  • Wake up naturally without an alarm clock because being startled sends stress hormones coursing through us.
  • Drink water first, before coffee to stave off the dehydration of sleep.
  • Get some exercise first thing.
  • Postpone any decision-making. Many plan their activities for the day the night before.
  • Take some time to be self-aware. Steve Jobs asked himself this question every morning: “If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today? If the answer is no for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something.”


Sticking to a pattern can actually become a trap. When we rigidly stick to a routine we may lose the ability to engage with our surroundings in interesting ways.

Additionally, living on autopilot keeps us from feeling. According to Lisa Firestone, Ph.D., even the simple act of scrolling through our cellphones on a morning train commute prevents us from observing sights, sounds, and smells that could stimulate us in some way. Rigidity in behavior can shut out more insightful, positive emotions.

In fact, boosting creativity depends on stepping out of your comfort zone and engaging in new things.

Creativity 1

Creativity 2

Creativity 3


When you’re in a rut, Inc. has some free ways to shake things up:

  1. Test drive your dream car.
  2. Go to lunch with someone you barely know.
  3. Perform a random act of kindness.
  4. Move your furniture around.
  5. Throw stuff away.
  6. Start a meditation practice.
  7. Take a different route.
  8. Send a thank-you note.
  9. Try a should-less day.
  10. Go stargazing.
  11. Volunteer for a good cause.
  12. Say yes to everything for a day (or a week).
  13. Talk to strangers.
  14. Wake up way earlier (or sleep in).
  15. Cook something wildly experimental for dinner.
  16. Photograph your city.
  17. Contact an old friend you haven’t talked to in awhile.
  18. Finally conquer that dreaded to-do list item.
  19. Play tourist in your own town.
  20. Host a clothing swap.
  21. Forgive someone.
  22. Declare a digital Sabbath.
  23. Let yourself get bored.
  24. Learn something random.
  25. Look through old photos.


According to healthline, brains need exercise just like the other parts of our body to keep an edge in memory and functionality. They suggest:

  • Try puzzles—Yes! I can now justify the hours spent each day doing jigsaw puzzles online.
  • Play cards—Bingo! I play solitaire at night before I read.
  • Build vocabulary—OK. I’m claiming this exercise. When reading I look up unfamiliar words.
  • Dance—Nope. Not on my radar.
  • Learn a new skill—I’m all in here. I love learning new things. This gives me an excuse to do something new, but what will it be? I’ve already done first responder/firefighter, obtaining my concealed carry license, and driving a tractor, firetruck, and army tank.
  • Teach a skill—Hmm. I used to teach skills, but I rarely do this anymore.
  • Listen to music—I don’t do this enough.
  • Try a new route—I’ve done this in the past, but when I want to get to my destination, the car’s navigation system is my go-to.
  • Meditate—Been there done that, but somehow I can’t get into this practice.
  • Learn a new language—I wish, but I don’t have time.
  • Do tai chi—What the xh##%? No classes in rural Texas.


We do need routine, but we should follow the Goldilocks principle: Not too much, not too little, but just right.


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